
Swift Foundation Mission

The Swift Foundation supports local stewards and their allies who are dedicated to protecting biological and cultural diversity, building resilience amidst climate change and restoring the health and dignity of communities globally.

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Swift Foundation Joins Divest-Invest

Dear Divest-Invest Foundations, Fellow Philanthropists and Colleagues,

We commend the leadership of Divest-Invest in catalyzing our discussions about shareholder activism and the role we play in the movement to divest the endowment from destructive fossil fuels into renewable energy. As proud members (as of September 2016) of Divest-Invest, the Swift Foundation is pleased to report that, as of September 2015, our endowment is 99% fossil fuel free.

With this letter, we want to share our path towards divestment and to foster and invite constructive collective action to address some unintended negative social and environmental consequences of the transition to renewable energy. Click here to continue reading this letter.


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