Helping Salmon Spawn – A Primer by Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition

Helping Salmon Spawn – A Primer by Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition

Shannon McPhail of the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition – a Swift grantee  – posts an valuable perspective in her “From the Woodshed” Blog.

She recounts how the Gitxsan Watershed Authority, British Columbia government and local grassroots organizations such as hers joined to successfully make the roads and rivers safer for both humans and fish. This is a story with a lot of heart worth repeating. It starts here…..

Building Bridges…Literally

What is the first thing you think about when you hear the word “government?”  I can guarantee that most of your conversations don’t go anything like this, “Wow, they sure did a good job.  Feels pretty good to have them working so hard and getting things done for us.“  Believe it or not, that’s how I’ve been talking about our regional government this summer.  Don’t worry, I haven’t been drinking the Koolaid, I will always be an active citizen that holds government accountable but I believe in giving praise when it’s deserved.

A few years ago, the Gitxsan Watershed Authority completed a report about fish passage problems along the Kispiox road.  The report looked at all the places where salmon were blocked from getting to their spawning habitat by beaver dams, culverts and other obstructions.  It was the culverts that seemed to be the biggest problem.

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