Our 2012 list includes all grants from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013.
Climate Advocacy
350.org, Global, $30,000
To strengthen the global grassroots climate movement.
AIDA: Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense, Colombia, $80,000 (two-year)
To assist communities and build professional capacity to enable effective legal advocacy for environmental protection in Colombia and the broader Tropical Andes region.
E-Tech, Peru, Ecuador,$35,000
To provide technical assistance to prevent adverse resource extraction and environmental impacts on Indigenous People and biodiversity in the Andes and Amazon Basin of Ecuador and Peru.
Fundación Gaia Amazonas, Colombia, $183,300 over two years
To prevent the advancement of mining activities in Indigenous territories in Vaupés (Colombian Amazon), by strengthening the environmental governance of three Associations of Traditional Indigenous Authorities.
Indigenous Environmental Network, North America, $20,000
Funded via the Polaris Institute US
To provide general support for their overall mission assisting Indigenous Peoples to engage on environmental and economic justice issues.
West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL), British Columbia, $25,000
Funded Through US Tides Exchange Fund / Tides Canada
To support their program of assisting First Nations’ use of Indigenous laws to assert their governance rights over their land and resources.
Global Networks and Collaborations
Centro de Apoio Socio-Ambiental (CASA) [The Center for Socio-Environmental Support], Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, $50,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To support the development of CASA’s Indigenous Peoples Rights Fund in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to protect traditional lands and rights in the face of large infrastructure and energy development schemes.
Community Alliance for Global Justice, Global, $15,000
To launch a U.S.-Africa coalition to stop the push for corporate industrial agriculture in Africa and build support for agroecological solutions to hunger and climate crises.
Confluence Philanthropy, New York, $20,000
To support Confluence to enable their members to align their management of assets to promote environmental sustainability and social justice.
Corporate Ethics International & Indigenous Environmental Network, United States, $30,000
To create the Indigenous Resources Network to provide Indigenous leaders and communities opportunities to share their knowledge and resources related to lands preservation and self-determination.
Earthworks, Global, $20,000
To support grassroots activists who are fighting to stop irresponsible mining in their communities while holding corporations accountable, promoting responsible practices and advancing policy reforms that secure our natural resources and public health for the future.
GRAIN, Global, $44,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To promote the understanding that policies oriented towards food sovereignty should be a central element in the fight against climate change, and to help local partners to articulate positions and strategies on this through networking, capacity building and information work.
Groundswell International, Global, $200,000 (two-year)
To strengthen, scale and leverage effective approaches to promoting family farmer agroecology and local food systems, contributing to the food sovereignty and people-centered development movements.
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), Global, $90,000 over three years
To support membership services, publications, and internal capacity to serve their members and meet the critical needs of Indigenous Peoples for independent funding.
Land Is Life, Global, $18,000
To create an engaging narrative that demonstrates how Indigenous People’s knowledge is important in addressing climate change in ways that are beneficial to the entire planet.
Terralingua, Global, $20,000
To complete a toolkit, create e-learning materials, and develop a toolkit hub on Terralingua’s Biocultural Diversity Conservation Portal.
The Oakland Institute, Africa, $80,000 (two-year)
To continue investigative research, advocacy, alliance building, and strengthening of local and national capacity in developing countries to challenge land grabs while proactively building an alternative vision for development.
Land Stewardship, Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity
Acción por la Biodiversidad [Latin American Biodiversity Alliance], Central and South America, $20,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To support the publication of this alliance of ten different organizations from Latin America that promotes food sovereignty, self-governance, the community control of native seeds, Indigenous People’s territories and community economic resiliency.
African Biodiversity Network, Kenya, Africa-wide, $105,000 (three-year)
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To support the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa’s Secretariat and coordination.
Africa Centre for Biosafety, South Africa, $50,000 (two-year)
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To protect Africa’s biodiversity, traditional knowledge, seed systems genetic diversity, food production systems, culture and diversity from the threats and risks posed by genetic engineering, biopiracy and industrial agriculture.
ANDES: The Association for Nature and Sustainable Development, Peru, $80,000 (two-year)
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To further upscale efforts to protect biocultural rights and seed freedom, and to respond to opportunities or challenges that emerge through its work.
Ashiñwaka, Ecuador, $18,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To support the Sápara Women’s Association to defend their rights through community development programs.
EarthRights International, Peru, $35,000
To conduct legal advocacy and provide support for Indigenous groups threatened by unsustainable and environmentally deleterious development projects in the Peruvian Amazon.
EkoRural, Ecuador, $38,000
Funded through Groundswell International, Inc
To strengthen capacities of indigenous farmers to sustainably manage their biodiversity through urban-rural relationships and policy interventions for institutional transition towards responsible consumption and food sovereignty.
Escuela Amazonica, Peru, $25,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To provide training and capacity building of community leaders affected by extractive industries in the Peruvian Amazon.
Fahamu Trust, Senegal, $35,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To enhance the capacity of 120 rural women leaders to articulate their positions on agricultural policies and support the rural women’s movement for food sovereignty and biodiversity in Africa.
Global Greengrants Fund, Global, $100,000
To enhance programs for international, community-based, environmental, climate justice, and social justice grantmaking.
Idea Wild, Global, $90,000 over 3 years
To provide equipment through micro-grants that will enable emerging and experienced conservation professionals to advance their skills and expertise while educating the communities in which they work.
International Rivers Network, Peru, $35,000
To protect key headwaters of the Peruvian Amazon by collaborating with threatened communities to stop destructive dams and by promoting just and sustainable energy solutions.
Land Is Life, Global, $160,000 over two years
To provide general support to strengthen the work and organizational structure of Land Is Life, a collaborative network of Indigenous communities and organizations that advocates for free, prior and informed consent; supports Indigenous leaders to speak before international policy-making bodies, especially at the United Nations; and monitors country-level compliance with international human rights agreements.
Natural Justice, Global, $18,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To translate a number of Natural Justice’s Community Biocultural Protocol materials into Spanish to inform Indigenous and local communities about an approach to protecting their land, resources and traditional knowledge rights.
Office of the Wet’suwet’en, British Columbia, Canada, $60,000 (two-year)
Funded through Tides U.S.
To assist the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs and membership to assert Wet’suwet’en Title, rights and authority to protect their long term interests.
Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, British Columbia, Canada, $90,000 (two-year)
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To provide general and program support for the Coalition through 2014 in order to advance ongoing and emerging projects.
SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, British Columbia, Canada, $35,000
To assist Wet’suwet’en in updating GIS ecosystem data layers, undertaking analyses on development proposals, and monitoring salmon protection strategies.
Sustainable Harvest International, Panama, $35,000
To support sustainable economic and agroecological projects and activities in three rural communities in Panama.
Resilient Local Economies
New Economics Institute, United States, $35,000
To support a web-based map to highlight representative, grassroots new economy projects from around the world at “The Global Transition to a New Economy: Mapping a Green & Fair World” at www.gtne.org.
Slow Money, United States, $8,000
To catalyze the flow of capital to local food systems.
Storytellers’ Foundation, British Columbia, $25,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To build capacity of the Gitxsan Nation and citizens of the Upper Skeena to engage in action to protect wild salmon and to learn about, and take action around, peak oil, climate change and over consumption.
Discretionary Grants
La Via Campesina, Global, $15,000
Funded through Grassroots International
Navdanya, Global, $20,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
White Earth Recovery Project, Minnesota, $20,000
Honor the Earth, Minnesota, $2,800
Funded through White Earth Land Recovery Project
Tanka Fund, Minnesota, $2,500
Funded through Indian Land Tenure Foundation
Global Greengrants Fund DAF, Colorado, $200,000
Idea Wild, Colorado, $30,000
The Pababelo Trust, Botswana, $10,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Fund DAF
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders, California, $2,000
Funded through New Venture Fund
African Centre for Biosafety, South Africa, $15,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Fund DAF
International Rivers Network, California, $2,000
Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, British Columbia, Canada, $900
Funded through Global Greengrants Fund DAF
International Forum on Globalization, California, $10,000
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