Our 2011 list includes grants from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2012.
Climate Advocacy
350.org, Global, $40,000
To strengthen the global grassroots climate movement through campaign leadership, creative communications and leadership training. In addition, some funds are provided to provide training and leadership opportunities for Indigenous Peoples.
AIDA: Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense, Colombia, $40,000
To protect climate change critical ecosystems such as páramos wetlands from mining threats, and strengthen the Environmental Justice Network to augment environmental law capacity in Colombia.
Indian Law Resource Center, South America, $35,000
To strengthen their program of free legal assistance to Indigenous communities in South America that face human rights violations due to the development of energy and infrastructure projects and REDD+ climate programs.
Sacred Land Film Project of Earth Island Institute, United States & Canada, $25,000
To develop educational materials and support an outreach campaign for the film highlighting the impacts of Alberta oil development on the native peoples of the Athabasca River basin as part of the series “Standing on Sacred Ground.”
The Gaia Foundation, Africa, $200,000 over two years
To promote climate change resilience through the revival and enhancement of Indigenous knowledge in three areas: seed and food systems; sacred sites and governance; and holistic management of pasturelands. Gaia will provide strategic and operational support, assistance in documentation as well as legal, advocacy and funding support for initiatives in Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Africa.
The Message, United States, $15,000
Funded through The Sustainable Markets Foundation
To support the educational and advocacy work of The Message, a project to reframe the climate change debate.
Global Networks and Collaborations
Africa Centre for Biosafety, South Africa, $25,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To protect Africa’s biodiversity, traditional knowledge, seed diversity, and food production systems from threats posed by genetic engineering, biopiracy and industrial agriculture.
Centro de Apoio Socio-Ambiental (CASA)
[The Center for Socio-Environmental Support], Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, $30,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To support the development of CASA’s Indigenous Peoples Rights Fund in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru to strengthen local capacity to protect traditional lands and rights in face of large infrastructure and energy development schemes.
Confluence Philanthropy, New York, $25,000
To support Confluence to help members align their management of assets to promote environmental sustainability and social justice and to hire staff for the Proxy Power! and communications programs.
Earthworks, Global, United States, $20,000
To support communities around the world fighting irresponsible mining development while building market support to change how the mining industry operates.
GRAIN, Global, $45,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To promote the understanding that policies oriented towards food sovereignty should be a central element in the fight against climate change, and to help local partners to articulate positions and strategies on this through networking, capacity building and information work.
Groundswell International, Global, $100,000
To strengthen, scale and leverage effective approaches to promoting family farmer agroecology and local food systems, contributing to the food sovereignty and people-centered development movements.
International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), Global, $25,000
To support membership services, publications, and internal capacity to serve their members and meet the critical needs of Indigenous Peoples for independent funding.
Navdanya, Global, $25,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To support an international effort to protect agricultural biodiversity through the protection of Seed as Commons, the defense of Seed Sovereignty and the promotion of Food Sovereignty.
New Venture Fund, Global, $150,000 over two years
To support grantmaking and learning through the Multi-Donor Fund for Amplifying Agro-Ecological Solutions.
Terralingua, Global, $30,000
To assemble and to share a toolkit in support of global policy and on-the-ground efforts to sustain biocultural diversity.
The Oakland Institute, Africa, $40,000
To continue investigative research, advocacy, and alliance building, and to strengthen local and national capacity in Africa nations to deal with land grabs.
Land Stewardship, Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity
ANDES: The Association for Nature and Sustainable Development, Peru, $40,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To provide general support for Asociation ANDES for strengthening staff salaries, restructuring the organization, moving and renovating the offices, and continuing work on national seed policies.
Asociación Sobrevivencia Cultural, Guatemala, $18,200
Funded through Cultural Survival
To invigorate Cultural Survival’s Guatemala radio network by implementing collaborative networking exchanges amongst community radio stations to cover environmental and cultural issues for Indigenous communities.
Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), United States, $15,000
To support their domestic and international legal work to draft and adopt new laws to assert the rights of people, communities, and nature over legal structures which advance the interests of property and commerce.
EkoRural, Ecuador, $38,000
Funded through Groundswell International, Inc
To strengthen Indigenous communities to rescue culture through on-farm biodiversity management and link experiences with on-going public debate over the Agrobiodiversity Law in Ecuador.
Escuela Amazonica, Peru, $25,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To strengthen the communication and advocacy program of the Amazonian School of Human Rights.
Global Greengrants Fund, Global, $100,000
To support small grants for promising grassroots organizations that promote environmentally sustainable solutions in remote places with approaches relevant to local contexts.
ICCA Consortium – North America, British Columbia, Canada, $20,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
Provide a forum for Aboriginal groups in British Columbia to discuss strategies to maintain and strengthen their conservation practices, including conserved areas and territories (ICCAs).
Idea Wild, Global, $30,000
To provide equipment through micro-grants that will enable emerging and experienced conservation professionals to advance their skills and expertise while educating the communities in which they work.
Instituto Para el Desarrollo Rural de Guatemala (IDR)
[Institute for Rural Development], Guatemala, $40,000 over two years
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To provide general support and a second year matching grant to enable IDR to develop their anti-poverty programs with rural Indigenous farmers and their families.
Pathfinder International, Tanzania, $45,000
To support an integrated conservation and sexual and reproductive health program to assist communities and local leadership engaged in the protection of the Greater Mahale Ecosystem in western Tanzania.
R.A.V.E.N. Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs, Canada, $40,000
To fund a comprehensive expert report on the endangered Canada Lynx in the traditional territory of the Beaver Lake Cree Nation with direct reference to the expansion of the tar sands industries on the Lynx habitat.
Sarstoon-Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM), Belize, $150,000 over three years
Funded though Maya Forest
To provide three years of core support to empower the Q’eqchi Maya communities in southern Belize to protect their forest by opposing deforestation from indiscriminate logging, oil extraction and population pressures and to adapt traditional land and forest management to reduce forest cover removal, and build lasting economic and environmental resilience.
Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, British Columbia, Canada, $30,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To support community-level programs such as Youth on Water, and school and community outreach to increase the awareness of the wild Skeena watershed.
SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, British Columbia, Canada, $34,000
To assist the Wet’suwet’en First Nation in developing a set of salmon habitat impact assessment tools for use in their traditional territory.
Storytellers’ Foundation, British Columbia, Canada, $20,000
Funded Through Donor Advised Fund at Global Greengrants
To build capacity of the Gitxsan Nation and citizens of the Upper Skeena to engage in action to protect wild salmon and to learn about, and take action around, peak oil, climate change and over consumption.
Sustainable Harvest International, Panama, $35,000
To promote sustainable land-use and biodiversity protection programs with smallholder farmers in ecologically sensitive regions of rural Panama.
Tahltan Central Council, British Columbia, Canada, $25,000
To support the hiring of a Tahltan coordinator to assist the Council in liaising with conservation organizations, government agencies, and programs to develop a Tahltan Conservation Program.
West Coast Environmental Law (WCEL), British Columbia, Canada, http://www.wcel.org/
Funded Through US Tides Exchange Fund / Tides Canada
To support their program of assisting First Nations’ use of Indigenous laws to assert their governance rights over their land and resources, as well as analyzing the legal issues regarding the government’s constitutional duties with respect to land management that affect First Nations.
Working Villages International, Democratic Republic of Congo, $60,000 over two years
To provide general support to Working Villages International strategy of empowering displaced rural people to use organic, sustainable, oxen based farming to increase their food security and incomes.
Resilient Local Economies
Earth Security Initiative, London, UK, $15,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To mobilize investors, resilience experts and philanthropic leaders to make ecological resilience a central goal and ambition of the growing impact investing sector.
New Economics Institute, United States, $25,000
To support the development of web-based tools to highlight representative, grassroots new economy projects from around the world to share best practices as part of a larger project called “Global Transition 2012,” an initiative of the Institute together with Stakeholder Forum and new economics foundation.
White Earth Land Recovery Project, Minnesota, United States, $22,500
To build a regional model of a sustainable, climate change resilient Indigenous economy for the Great Lakes and northern Plains based on a reservation model with national outreach strategies.
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