2010 Grants

Our 2010 list includes all grants from October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011.

Climate Advocacy

350.org, Global, $25,000
To train and empower new climate leaders, continue an online campaign, and to strengthen communications to build the global climate change movement.

AIDA: Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense, Colombia, $30,000
To support environmental protection efforts in Colombia by promoting the use of environmental laws and implementing legal strategies to uphold and strengthen environmental and human rights protections.

Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), United States, $20,000
To support their rights of nature legal work with communities in the United States by which they draft and adopt new laws to assert local, democratic control over corporations thereby protecting their water supplies and ecosystems.

Global Warming Legal Action Project, Global, $7,500
Funded through the Civil Society Institute
To support legal work to support a number of cases related to fighting global warming by imposing liability upon corporations that knowingly emit large quantities of greenhouse gasses.

New Soil Quantum, United States, $25,000
To help establish the non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization New Soil Quantum and to support the creation of a business plan.

Shompole Maasai, Kenya, $5,000
Funded through Cross-Cultural Thresholds, Inc
To cover some of the recommendations from the Climate Change summit convened by the Shompole Maasai elders, including the purchase of dairy goats and beehives.

Global Networks and Collaborations

Africa Centre for Biosafety, South Africa, $25,000
To track, monitor, and challenge the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) particularly those affecting seed production and use in order to promote and protect the fundamental right to save and use locally relevant seeds.

Confluence Philanthropy, New York, $15,000
Funded through the Sustainable Markets Foundation
To support the recruitment of new members—nonprofits and foundations—that are interested in pursuing a mission-related investing strategy through their community of practice, learning programs, and technical assistance.

Groundswell International, Global, $75,000
Funded through Beyond Borders, Inc
To strengthen the capacity of local leaders and community-based organizations to pursue agroecology and locally managed food systems, and to develop strategies to spread successful agricultural systems and techniques.

Idea Wild, Global, $35,000
To provide equipment to at least 60 BioConnect 2010 conservation projects that will empower conservation professionals to document flora and fauna and help communities better utilize local natural resources.

International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), Global, $10,000
To support membership services, publications, and internal capacity to serve their members and meet the critical needs of Indigenous Peoples for independent funding.

International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), Global, $12,000
To provide scholarships for the participation of Indigenous Leaders at the IFIP Tenth Annual Conference in New York.

International League of Conservation Photographers, Canada, $25,000
To fund their spOILed campaign to increase understanding and awareness of ecological, health, and security issues around the Alberta Tar Sands.

The Oakland Institute, Africa, $20,000
Funded through the International Forum on Globalization
To research the role of International Financial Institutions in facilitating inequitable land acquisition and displacement of local populations, otherwise known as “land grabs.” Grant funds will also translate their findings on land grabs into other languages.

Pathfinder International, Papua New Guinea, $150,000
To create accessible, quality sexual and reproductive health services, and increase understanding of reproductive health, family planning, and gender-based violence in Papua New Guinea.

Pathfinder International, Tanzania, $40,000
To protect the Greater Mahale Ecosystem in western Tanzania by addressing the family planning and reproductive healthcare needs of surrounding communities.

Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), Global, $10,000
To fund coalition building to help the movement to stop corporations from forcing patented seed, pesticide, and fertilizer technologies onto farmers, especially in Africa.

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders (SAFSF), United States, $1,000
Funded through Community Partners
To support the Conference on the Future of Food held in May 2011 by the Sustainable Food Trust in Washington, D. C.

Land Stewardship, Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity

ANDES: The Association for Nature and Sustainable Development, Peru, $50,000
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To support four projects, as follows: to challenge the Presidential Decree allowing GMOs into Peru, to protect the human genetic integrity of the Q’ero Nation, to involve the local communities in the development of a peace park, and to develop a regional ordinance on “Food Sovereignty” in Cusco.

ANDES: The Association for Nature and Sustainable Development, Peru, $4,700
Funded through Global Greengrants Donor Advised Fund
To fund the travel of ANDES’ Executive Director to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples Conferences.

Asociación Sobrevivencia Cultural, Guatemala, $18,000
Funded through Cultural Survival
To help indigenous Mayan communities reinforce their ancient languages and cultures and protect their lands and resources through enhanced environmental programming on community radio.

Conservation International, Botswana, $100,000
To fund local scientists and San trackers to map the Western Kagligi Conservation Corridor’s plant and wildlife distribution and movement.

EkoRural, Ecuador, $30,000
Funded through Groundswell International, Inc
To strengthen EkoRural’s organizational structure for sustainability, growth, and impact for people-centered development.

Fahamu Trust, Africa, $30,000
Funded through the New Field Foundation
To support the “We are the Solution” campaign to ensure that rural women’s associations have the skills to promote, share, and improve upon their traditional agricultural knowledge.

Fundación Gaia Amazonas, Colombia, $160,000 over two years
To strengthen the indigenous communities of the Colombian Amazon to enable advances in environmental governance, education, health, public policy, and political-administrative decentralization.

The Gaia Foundation, Africa, $100,000
To strengthen food sovereignty in Africa by promoting sustainable agriculture. And to protect Sacred Sites and Territories in order to revive traditions, strengthen community eco-governance structures, and successfully plan negotiation of sacred lands protection through legal advice and information materials.

Global Greengrants Fund, Global, $75,000
To support their program of small grants which support promising grassroots organizations that promote environmentally sustainable solutions in remote places and ensures that their approaches are relevant to local contexts.

Headwaters Initiative Project, British Columbia, Canada $60,000 over 3 years
Funded through the Tides Foundation
To provide technical assistance and support services to local nongovernmental organizations and communities through Suskwa Research by providing information and support to local communities regarding the sustainable management of wild ecosystems.

Klabona Keepers, British Columbia, Canada, $36,000
Funded through the Tides Foundation
To fund both the community and unity coordinator positions that provide guidance to the Tahltan Central Council, organize and implement seasonal youth programs, and take direct action.

New Soil Quantum, United States, $25,000
Funded through the Sustainable Markets Foundation
To support enhanced soil monitoring on progressively managed farms to improve natural resource management, and fund creation of a website, collaborative learning opportunities, and environmental modeling.

Office of the Wet’suwet’en, British Columbia, Canada, $60,000 over 2 years
To support their work to formalize and enhance their current society by-laws to ensure that their government model is based on their hereditary systems, where open communications and information is available to all resulting in informed decisions.

Sarstoon-Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM), Belize, $30,000
Funded though Maya Forest
To build the capacity of indigenous communities’ forest enterprises in Southern Belize and to minimize the impact of oil companies’ seismic surveys through linking conservation, indigenous knowledge, and sustainable livelihoods.

Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, British Columbia, Canada, $30,000
Funded through the Tides Foundation
To strengthen the organizational capacity and community-level programs that increase the awareness of and protection of a wild Skeena watershed.

Sustainable Harvest International, Panama, $25,000
To support rural community development, ecological restoration, and sustainable farming in Panama to preserve forests, increase farmers’ food security and income through the practice of sustainable farming and community empowerment.

Tlatsini Conservation Endowment Fund at Tides Canada Foundation, British Columbia, Canada, $500,000
Funded through the Tides Foundation
To support the Taku River Tlingit First Nation (TRTFN)’s ability to manage a newly established 30,000 square kilometer land use agreement in their traditional territory as recognized by the Province of British Columbia. The grant will help fund an endowment fund to ensure implementation of the land use plan and of shared governance arrangements.

Wild Aid, China, $25,000
To benefit their shark program in China which advocates for new regulations to control shark fining and to reduce consumption of shark fin soup through public service announcements, documentaries, and events.

Working Villages International, Democratic Republic of Congo, $15,000
To increase the number of drying pads near new storage barns in the Democratic Republic of Congo to help farmers’ dry their harvests more efficiently with less post-harvest loss.

Resilient Local Economies

New Economics Institute, United States, $5,000
To support its search for a CEO and Thirtieth Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures to mark the public launch of the organization.

Waste Ventures Charities, India, $50,000
To transform waste management in India through empowering low-caste waste-pickers with enhanced technology (improved recycling and composting), carbon credits, and training to improve their incomes and create a better environment for all by cutting greenhouse gas emissions.


Environment America Research & Policy Center, United States, $100,000
To educate the public regarding a ballot initiative in California.

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