Swift Foundation supports a collaborative project between the Central Committee of Women of UNORCAC (CCMU) and the Third World Ecological Studies Institute Foundation (IEETM). CCMU is made up of Kichua Indigenous women who, over three decades, have built a solid organization promoting respect for and defense of equality, interculturality, the valorization of indigenous food systems, women’s rights, food sovereignty and strengthening women’s participation and autonomy in their communities. IEETM is an NGO made up mainly of women, that for more than twenty-five years has been promoting spaces for meeting, reflection, and research on the serious social and environmental deterioration caused by the current development model.
This project helps CCMU and IEETM implement an integrated strategy for a post-Covid economic reactivation among Kichua women and their families, focused on the production and preparation of Andean foods. This strategy brings together 3 community approaches that works hand-in-hand: (1) Jampi Mascari (Looking for Health), a nutrition and health space of the CCMU; (2) the Agroecological Fair “La Pachamama feeds us;” and (3) the community kitchen, a meeting place around food sovereignty.