The Organization for the Development of the Border Communities of the Cenepa Basin, ODECOFROC, is an Awajun Indigenous organization that was created in the 70s and re-funded in 1995. It operates along the Cenepa River basin in the Northeastern Amazon of Peru bordering Ecuador, covering 388,277 hectares of forest with a rich biodiversity, serving 10,000 Indigenous Awajun, including 25 land-titled communities and 10 annexed communities. ODECOFROC’s headquarters is in the Awajun community of Mamayaque in the Condorcanqui province, Amazonas region. The organization’s objectives are to: (1) promote and guide the development of associated communities based on criteria of sustainability, biodiversity conservation and respect for the values of the Awajun people; (2) legalize, protect and defend communal territories in accordance with national laws and international treaties; (3) effectively promote bilingual intercultural education, the recognition and revaluation of the cultural values of the Awajun people and the promotion and progressive improvement of young people; (4) promote and develop health, with special attention to indigenous health systems; (5) promote the participation of men and women in the definition, development, and management of the district, in coordination with municipal authorities; and (6) contribute to the peaceful development of the border region.