The Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation-GTANW, which represents the Wampis Nation (current self-denomination), was born as a natural process of the socio-historical deed for dignity and vindication of territorial, social, cultural, educational and economic rights. The institutional vision is the assurance of the continuity of the cultural biophysical existence of one of the ancient Amazonian cultures of Peru – the Wampis nation, taking as an inseparable base and a positive symbiotic system of man-nature and is projected to the achievement of Tarimat Pujut, as the final stage of social welfare.
Established in November 2015 by 27 registered communities, the Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation (GTANW) manages about 1,327,270 hectares of well-preserved forest and two important river systems of the Amazon basin, de facto exercising autonomy over a territory nearly one-third the size of the Netherlands. The GTANW exercises its functions as the government of the Wampis Nation based on international norms and instruments to ensure an effective and adequate administration and control of its territories. More than 15,000 Indigenous Peoples are part of this unique initiative. The governance of the Wampis Nation is founded on ‘The Statute,’ an Indigenous Constitution that lays out the Wampis people’s vision for the future in all areas of life including religion, spirituality, education, language, economies, and recovery of ancestral place names.