Acción Ecológica is a non-governmental organization in Ecuador dedicated to the defense of nature and peoples from pollution and extractivism. Acción Ecológica has 31 years of activity in support of communities that resist oil, mining, agroindustrial and infrastructure projects, through accompaniment, training and action in joint campaigns. At the national ...
Accion por la Biodiversidad (AcBio)
The Biodiversity Alliance is a Latin American collective platform that brings together 13 key organizations and movements from the region that work in defense of biodiversity. The Biodiversity Alliance fundamentally directs its actions towards the social movements that lead the struggles in defense of their territories and for the construction of...
African Biodiversity Network (ABN)
Established in the late 1990s, the African Biodiversity Network (ABN) was registered as a Trust in Kenya in 2010. Now, with 36 partners in 12 countries, the network offers a unique approach to building sustainability and community resilience. A particular focus is the empowerment of indigenous/local communities across Africa to revive their bio-cultural diversity, especially seed,...
African Centre for Biodiversity
Founded in 2003 and registered in 2004 The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) (previously ‘Biosafety’) is a South African based nongovernmental organization with staff members in South Africa, Tanzania and Mozambique. The ACB is committed to carrying out research, analysis, capacity and movement building, and advocacy and information-sharing in order...
Aliados is working to fundamentally transform business in the Andes and the Amazon. It is a new organization formed in 2018 from the merger of Runa Foundation and PlanJunto CI. Aliados’ mission is to build resilient community business based on biodiversity in the Andes and the Amazon—and connect them to...
Asociacion Interamericana Para La Defensa Del Ambiente – AIDA
AIDA is a nonprofit environmental law organization that works across the Americas to defend threatened ecosystems and the human communities that depend on them. Environmental health and human rights can no longer be protected by working within the political boundaries of individual nations: the 35 countries of our hemisphere are...
Asociation ANDES (Asociación Para la Naturaleza y el Desarrollo Sostenible)
The Asociación ANDES seeks to advance a rights-based approach to human development by creatively using Sumaq Causay (Buen Vivir), the ancient Andean principle of wellbeing, to merge lessons from the past with those of the present to build holistic and resilient communities and biodiverse food and agricultural systems for the...
Awasqa: The Green Network Project
At Awasqa (“weave” or “knitting” in Kichwa)/the Green Network Project they seek to create an international community journalism network by breaking linguistic barriers between indigenous communities in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, to share stories of radical resilience and foster a new vision of hope and deep intergenerational change. Awasqa...
Biofuelwatch provides information, advocacy and campaigning in relation to the climate, environmental, human rights and public health impacts of large-scale industrial bioenergy. They are a small team of staff and volunteers based in the UK and US.
California FarmLink
California FarmLink supports the success of beginning, limited-resource, immigrant and other under served farmers. Through its capital and land access programs, FarmLink works to build a diverse, sustainable farming community across California that includes women, people of color, immigrants, young and old, who are too often under resourced and under-capitalized...
California Tribal Fund
The California Tribal Fund was created to support California-based, California-Native-led nonprofits and tribal programs in controlling and protecting their food systems, water, languages, traditional ecological knowledge, and land. Currently, the fund is operated as a project of First Nations Development Institute.
The CLIMA Fund is a collaboration between Global Greengrants Fund, Grassroots International, Thousand Currents, and Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights — a like-minded community funding grassroots movements to cool the planet and build resilience around the globe. Working together, we give influential funders a simple and effective way...
Climate Justice Alliance
The Climate Justice Alliance is a non-governmental collective of over 70 rural and urban community-based organizations focused on sustainability, development of underrepresented communities, race and ethnicity, economic development, and poverty alleviation — all with the wider aim of addressing climate change.
Climate Land Ambition and Rights Alliance (CLARA)
CLARA pursues climate solutions that work for people—at community, landscape, and national levels. Securing land rights for indigenous peoples and local communities Strengthening core forest protections and ecosystem integrity Restoring degraded forests and ecosystems Agroecology and food sovereignty
Colorado Plateau Foundation
Colorado Plateau Foundation connects the philanthropic community to on-the-ground initiatives by growing a sustainable supply of resources and giving grants that enhance the work of Native-led organizations on the Plateau. Their brand of philanthropy is grounded in informed cultural, social, economic, and political outlooks as well as earnest comprehensive evaluation....
Common Future
Common Future is a network of leaders (re)building an economy that includes everyone. Our work is focused on shifting capital, uplifting local leaders, and advising the growth of equitable economies.
Community Agroecology Network
Community Agroecology Network (CAN) is an international organization actively working in regions of Mexico, Central America, and the United States. They have been using an agroecological approach to food systems change for 12 years and the CAN strategy is driven by community-based action research partnerships. At CAN, agroecology brings together...
Community Alliance for Global Justice
Community Alliance for Global Justice is a grassroots membership-based organization in Seattle that educates and mobilizes to strengthen the food sovereignty movement. CAGJ is committed to anti-oppressive organizing as they build solidarity across diverse movements. CAGJ seeks to transform unjust trade and agricultural policies imposed by corporations, governments and other...
Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador
In 1980, the CONACNIE (National Council for the Coordination of Indigenous Nationalities) was organized with the aim of promoting the consolidation of indigenous peoples and the first CONACNIE Congress was convened on November 13 to 16, 1986, in the Nueva Vida camp, in Quito and CONAIE is constituted (Confederation of...
CooperAccion ( is a non-profit Peruvian civil association founded in 1997 that promotes the civil, political, social, economic, cultural and environmental rights of rural and indigenous communities affected by extractive activities, as well as the sustainable management of their territories, including gender and interculturality approaches. Our work is organized in...
Corporación Colectivo de Abogados JAR (CCAJAR)
The “José Alvear Restrepo” Lawyers’ Collective (Colectivo de Abogados “José Alvear Restrepo” – CAJAR) is a non-governmental organization that has worked since 1978 for the full defense of human rights and building peace with social justice in Colombia. Through legal representation of victims, ethnic communities, and groups, CAJAR seeks truth,...
Cultural Survival
Founded in 1972, Cultural Survival is an Indigenous Peoples’ rights organization holding consultative status with the UN Economic, Social and Cultural Council. Cultural Survival supports Indigenous communities’ self-determination, cultures, and political resilience and envisions a future that respects and honors Indigenous Peoples’ inherent rights and dynamic cultures, deeply and richly...
Dasiqox Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area
Dasiqox Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) is an expression of Indigenous governance initiated by the Xeni Gwet’in and Yuneŝit’in Governments, and supported by the Tŝilhqot’in National Government, located about 125 kilometres southwest of Williams Lake, BC. The tribal park concept presents an alternative vision for the management and governance...
E-Tech International
E-Tech International is a nonprofit organization made up of scientists and engineers who put environmental knowledge and technology at the service of indigenous communities impacted by extractive industries. We provide analysis, training and tools so that these communities can effectively defend and restore their territory; demanding basic rights to clean...
EarthRights International
EarthRights International supports communities threatened by the social and environmental impacts of extractive and infrastructure projects. We oppose mega-projects that threaten ecosystems and the people who depend on them for survival, protect environmental defenders from brutal and unjust repression, and train indigenous legal advocates eager to defend their own communities...
ETC Group
ETC Group works to address the socioeconomic and ecological issues surrounding new technologies that could have an impact on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. They investigate ecological erosion (including the erosion of cultures and human rights); the development of new technologies (especially agricultural but also other technologies that...
Federación de Organizaciones Indígenas y Campesinas del Azuay (FOA)
The Federation of Indigenous and Peasant Organizations of Azuay, FOA, is made up of Indigenous rural Kañari communities that promotes joint action with Civil Society organizations in the cities in defense of water, and for a province free of mining. FOA members are Indigenous and peasant communities in the Province...
Fundacion EkoRural
EkoRural works with urban and rural communities in the Central Highlands of Ecuador to strengthen local food systems. These agroecologically-based food systems provide access to healthy, local and affordable food for urban families as well as generate income, new social bonds and recognition of small farmers. We work with community...
Fundación Gaia Amazonas
Gaia Amazonas is a Colombian NGO committed to the protection of biological and cultural diversity of the Amazon rainforest. Since 1990, we have worked with Indigenous communities of the Northwest Amazon for the recognition and implementation of their rights, territories and governance systems, as the most viable strategy for forest...
Fundaćion Savia Roja
Savia Roja is recognized for its work with grassroots organizations and social movements, and for its deep respect and regard for people’s betterment. Savia Roja is immersed in campesino and indigenous organizations through informal education projects focused on popular education, agroecology, environmental education, and organizational strengthening. Solidarity, justice and participation...
Global Tapestry of Alternatives
The Global Tapestry of Alternatives (GTA) seeks to build bridges between networks of Alternatives around the globe and promote the creation of new processes of confluence. GTA is a “network of networks.” Each of those networks acts in different parts of the planet by identifying and connecting Alternatives. They are...
Gobierno Territorial Autónomo de la Nación Wampis (GTANW)
The Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation-GTANW, which represents the Wampis Nation (current self-denomination), was born as a natural process of the socio-historical deed for dignity and vindication of territorial, social, cultural, educational and economic rights. The institutional vision is the assurance of the continuity of the cultural biophysical...
GRAIN is a small international nonprofit organization that works to support small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems. Our support takes the form of independent research and analysis, networking at local, regional and international levels, and fostering new forms of cooperation and alliance-building...
Grassroots International
Grassroots International connects people in the US with global movements addressing the root causes of injustice and oppression. Their grantmaking focuses on funding social movements through solidarity philanthropy.
Groundswell International
Groundswell International is a global partnership of local NGOs and civil society organizations that strengthen rural communities in Africa, the Americas, and Asia to build healthy farming and food systems from the ground up. Groundswell works with rural communities to improve their lives by strengthening and spreading agroecological farming and...
Grupo Allpa
Grupo Allpa is a nonprofit organization that promotes and facilitates the conservation, regeneration and sustainability of cultures and ecosystems in Ecuador. It works through research, development and education on practical alternatives and applied ecology, aiming to build sustainable life models in agreement with Sumak Kawsay (Right Livelihood) and Nature’s Rights.Grupo...
Honor the Earth
We’ve had a remarkable year from renewable energy work in the village of Pine Point, the work towards minobimaatisiiwin – the good life – in that village, to our victory against the Sandpiper Fracked oil pipeline. We have been challenged more than ever. To us Standing Rock is a Selma...
Indigenous Climate Action
Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. We believe that Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge systems are critical to developing solutions to the climate crisis and achieving climate...
Indigenous Environmetal Network
Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) is an alliance of Indigenous Peoples whose Shared Mission is to Protect the Sacredness of Earth Mother from contamination & exploitation by Respecting and Adhering to Indigenous Knowledge and Natural Law.
Indigenous Law Research Unit
The Indigenous Law Research Unit (ILRU) is a research unit at the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Law committed to the revitalization of Indigenous laws. Led by Dr. Val Napoleon, we partner with and support work by Indigenous communities to articulate their legal principles and processes, on their own terms,...
Iniciativa Amotocodie
Iniciativa Amotocodie (IA) is a Civil Society Organization which works in the Ayoreo Territory in the Paraguayan Chaco with the aim to safeguard their rights to self-determination, territorial and cultural. Some of the Ayoreo still live in voluntary isolation and much of the organization’s work is devoted to the conservation...
International Indigenous Women’s Forum (FIMI)
FIMI brings together indigenous women leaders and human rights activists from different parts of the world to coordinate agendas, capacity-build and to strengthen leadership. FIMI encourages indigenous women’s participation in international decision-making processes by ensuring the consistent and serious inclusion of indigenous women’s perspectives in all discussions regarding human rights....
KTK-Belt Vertical University
KTK-BELT’s mission is to catalyze new models of biodiversity conservation and environmental learning in eastern Nepal. It works with teachers, farmers, youth, and women to create a ‘Vertical University’ that will span from Koshi Tappu Wildlife Sanctuary (67 m.) to Kanchenjunga (8, 586 m.), the third tallest peak in the...
Minnow exists to address the urgent need to simultaneously preserve farmland, realize indigenous sovereignty, and dismantle racism in order to build a truly just society. Minnow removes farmland from the speculative market, shares governance and control with Native communities, and offers secure and affordable land tenure to farmers of color.
Moccasin Footprint Society
Moccasin Footprint Society is an Indigenous-led charitable organization established to: Make visible the footprints, or contributions, of Indigenous peoples to modern day society via community-based, grassroots education and actions. Increase the understanding of Indigenous sovereignty and human rights, based on the values, principles and framework of the United Nations Declaration...
Mongabay is a nonprofit conservation and environmental science news platform that publishes original content in English, Indonesian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Hindi and French. They aim to raise awareness about social and environmental issues related to forests and other ecosystems through our environmental news reporting and analysis as well as environmental...
National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association (NATOA)
NATOA is a national charitable organization, and is committed to providing the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada with the resources and information that will help them efficiently create, manage, and operate trusts as a means to ensure the seven generations yet unborn, can benefit from the goals and dreams of the...
National Black Food Justice Alliance
National Black Food and Justice Alliance (NBFJA) organizes for black food and land by increasing the visibility of visionary Black leadership, advancing Black people’s struggle for just and sustainable communities, and building power in our food systems and land stewardship.
Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA)
The Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance (NAFSA) has developed a national network of Indigenous leaders dedicated to restoring food systems that support tribal self-determination, community wellness, and rebuilding relationships with the land, water, plants and animals that sustain us. NAFSA supports ethical economic development by promoting expanded local food production...
Native Community Capital
Native Community Capital (NCC) formed through a corporate merger and as a strategy to make more significant investments in tribal economies. In 2019 three previously separate organizations marked an historic first of multiple, established, Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) agreeing to operate as one organization. The vision realized is...
Native Conservancy
The Native Conservancy was established in 2003 to empower Alaska Native peoples to permanently protect and preserve endangered habitats on their ancestral homelands. They strive to maintain and secure titles to Native lands in conservation trusts to strengthen our inherent rights of sovereignty, subsistence and spirituality.
Native Renewables
Native Renewables formed in 2016 to catalyze clean energy for Native American homes and communities by building partnerships, seeking cost-effective solutions that will reduce fossil fuel use, supporting local economic development, and growing technical capacity. Its mission is to empower tribal communities to grow their renewable energy capacity through education...
NDN Collective
NDN Collective is an Indigenous-led organization dedicated to building Indigenous power. Through organizing, activism, philanthropy, grantmaking, capacity-building and narrative change, they are creating sustainable solutions on Indigenous terms.
Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ)
The Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ) envisions a world in which we live in an active democracy whose values are fully grounded in human rights, economic and social justice, racial equity, and thriving communities. Their mission is to foster an active, engaged and sometimes disruptive civil sector. NPQ uses a range of...
North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NaTIFS)
North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NATIFS) addresses the economic and health crises affecting Native communities. NāTIFs is focused on two main goals: Indigenous Culinary Education and Indigenous Food Access. We are launching an Indigenous Food Lab in the Twin Cities that will house an Indigenous restaurant and training center....
NourishN – The Nourishment Economies Coalition
Enterprises, social programs and governance protocols that tap #NutrientValueChains and help stimulate Nourishment Economies provide tremendous value for communities, businesses, and governments interested in the welfare of people and the environment, now and into the future. In various forms they reduce pollution, provide employment, increase resilience against environmental and social...
Office of the Wet’suwet’en
The Office of the Wet’suwet’en, representing the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs, have been taking steps to enhance Clan engagement in regards to land use and natural resource decisions. Informed decision-making is the foundation of the Wet’suwet’en traditional governance system. We are using our traditional laws and processes to engage with governments...
Organización Regional AIDESEP Ucayali (ORAU)
The ORAU is a third level organization within the structure of the Amazonian indigenous movement; Its purpose is to represent and promote economic, social, political and cultural development. They represent 15 indigenous peoples and 13 federative bases.
Organization for the Development for the Common Good of the Iskonawa People (OPDEPI)
The Organization for the Development and Common Good of the Iskonawa People (OPDEPI), is a nascent Indigenous organization which brings together descendants of a group of Iskonawa, one of the at least 20 uncontacted Amazonian tribes of Peru, and who were abducted by missionaries back in the 1960’s. The isolated...
Organization for the Development of Border Communities of Cenepa (ODECOFROC)
The Organization for the Development of the Border Communities of the Cenepa Basin, ODECOFROC, is an Awajun Indigenous organization that was created in the 70s and re-funded in 1995. It operates along the Cenepa River basin in the Northeastern Amazon of Peru bordering Ecuador, covering 388, 277 hectares of forest...
Programa Mujer Indígena de la Organizacion Regional Aidesep Ucayali
The ORAU Women’s Program was born out of the need to organize and strengthen capacities to defend our territory and culture. The objective of the Women’s Program is, therefore, to promote spaces for Indigenous women’s capacity development and active participation in the various spaces of dialogue and decision-making at the...
ProPurus is a nonprofit environmental organization created in 2010 to protect the forests and indigenous inhabitants of the Peruvian Amazon headwaters. As a field-based organization, we have gained extensive experience in the Amazon region and built strong relationships with local people and pertinent governmental agencies which allow us to provide...
Pueblo Originario Kichwa de Sarayaku (Kichwa People of Sarayaku)
Sarayaku tiene una misión de Desarrollar actividades de fortalecimiento, recuperación y revalorización del conocimiento ancestral basado en la filosofía del Sumak Kausay (Vida en armonía), Sumak Allpa (Tierra fértil sin mal) y Sacha runa Yachay (Sabiduría Ancestral), con planes de manejo y uso de recursos naturales de flora y fauna...
REDD-Monitor explores the contradictions and controversy behind the harebrained scheme to allow continued greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels by offsetting these emissions against “avoided deforestation” in the Global South.
Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos (The Network for Social Justice and Human Rights)
The Network for Social Justice and Human Rights (Rede Social) was created in 1999 with the objective of building coalitions among social movements in Brazil to defend the right to land, food, agroecology, biodiversity, social and environmental justice. Rede Social’s work includes the defense of collective rights of grassroots organizations...
Right Relations Collaborative
The Right Relations Collaborative is a shared space for Indigenous leaders and funder partners who recognize the inequities, harms, and volatile future that is manifesting from our current disconnected and extractive financial system. The Collaborative is a pathway into the nurturing reparations and regenerative work being led by Indigenous changemakers...
Roanhorse Consulting
Roanhorse Consulting (RCLLC) is an indigenous women owned firm that has over 30 years of combined work co-creating efforts that put people at the center by lifting existing solutions and curating resources to catapult leaders. Roanhorse Consulting believes in: Place based strategies to support community-led solutions in addressing social, economic,...
Sarstoon Temash Institute for Indigenous Management – SATIIM
We are the Maya and Garifuna of southern Belize who discovered in 1997 that the government had turned our ancestral lands into a park – in 1994. We first created SATIIM to ‘co-manage’ our land with the government – until an oil company started to dynamite paths across the park....
Food is powerful. It can nourish and uplift entire communities. It can also breed injustice and put our planet and health at risk. SeedChange works with farmers to grow just, healthy, sustainable harvests everywhere. By keeping seeds in farmers’ hands and strengthening farmers’ knowledge, we help communities thrive.
Shared Interest
Shared Interest mobilizes the resources for Southern Africa’s economically disenfranchised communities to sustain themselves and build equitable nations. Our primary mission is to provide smallholder farmers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs with the capital and technical assistance they need to create sustainable livelihoods. We do this by guaranteeing loans made...
Sicangu Community Development Corporation
Sicangu CDC is an organization serving the Sicangu (see-CHAHN-ghoo) Lakota Oyate (oh-YAH-tay). Located on the lands of the Sicangu Lakota Oyate (the Rosebud Reservation) in south central South Dakota, they are a community-based nonprofit focused on transforming systems of food sovereignty, housing, education, and healthcare so that they are community-driven...
Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition
How does a small local-vocal conservation crew achieve such high impact landmarks, win precedent-setting battles and connect a diverse region with one clear stance on watershed protection? SWCC swims against the current! They live in and love the Skeena Watershed – home to Canada’s second largest wild salmon migration. They...
Storytellers’ Foundation
Storytellers’ Foundation is an award-winning community-based economic development organization in the Upper Skeena region of northwest British Colombia. Our staff live and work in the community as community organizers and popular educators. We support people to explore the tension of being visitors on stolen land (un-ceded Gitxsan territory) and are...
Terralingua is an international nonprofit organization founded in 1996 by a small group of people who came together around a shared belief in the vital value of diversity in nature and culture. We think of biodiversity, cultural diversity, and linguistic diversity as a single whole, which we chose to call...
The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development
The Andean Alliance for Sustainable Development (AASD) is an impactful, innovative organization with a sustainable social enterprise model. Since 2010, the AASD has been evolving, adapting, and learning. Rural campesino communities in the Sacred Valley of Peru often rely on agriculture as a livelihood. This can be a challenge for...
The Gaia Foundation
The Gaia Foundation seeks to restore a respectful relationship with the Earth, our source of life and with each other. Through long term partnerships with local and indigenous communities, civil society groups and social movements, they are building seed, food and climate change resilience, enabling small farmers, especially women, to...
The Oakland Institute
The Oakland Institute is an independent policy think tank, bringing fresh ideas and bold action to the most pressing social, economic and environmental issues of our time. The Institute’s meticulous research and analysis is referenced by policymakers, academics and the media and has provided tools of truth to the impacted...
Third World Network
Third World Network (TWN) is an independent non-profit international research and advocacy organization involved in issues relating to development, developing countries and North-South affairs. Its mission is to bring about a greater articulation of the needs and rights of peoples in the South, a fair distribution of world resources, and...
Traditional Native American Farmers Association (TNAFA)
Agriculture has always been the bases of our communities’ culture and economy. Through various socio-economic pressures, native agriculture has been in a downward cycle. In the past few years there has been an increased interest in agriculture in our communities, as a way to regenerate our culture, health and economics....
Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas de Cotacachi (UNORCAC)
Swift Foundation supports a collaborative project between the Central Committee of Women of UNORCAC (CCMU) and the Third World Ecological Studies Institute Foundation (IEETM). CCMU is made up of Kichua Indigenous women who, over three decades, have built a solid organization promoting respect for and defense of equality, interculturality, the...
United Confederation of Taíno People (UCTP)
The United Confederation of Taino People (UCTP) promotes the self-determination of Caribbean Indigenous Peoples and the recognition and protection of their human rights, culture, traditions, and sacred lands. The UCTP also serves as a forum for educational advocacy (including human rights and cultural education) and policy development to affirm and...
Wataniba is a socio-environmental work group composed of professionals and technicians from different disciplines. Founded in 2005, we have been working with the Indigenous organizations of the Venezuelan Amazon in programs to promote and defend their rights as peoples, in monitoring extractive activities that are carried out illegally in their...
West Coast Environmental Law
West Coast Environmental Law harnesses the power of law to solve complex environmental challenges. We are transforming environmental decision-making in Canada through collaborative legal solutions that bridge Indigenous and Canadian law. By putting the law in the hands of communities, strengthening protection for nature and creating legal risk for those...
White Earth Land Recovery Project
The mission of the White Earth Land Recovery Project is to facilitate the recovery of the original land base of the White Earth Indian Reservation while preserving and restoring traditional practices of sound land stewardship, language fluency, community development, and strengthening our spiritual and cultural heritage. We are working on...
World Rainforest Movement (WRM)
WRM’s goal is to strengthen the global movement in defense of forests in order to fight tropical deforestation and forest degradation, as well as to fight the grabbing of forests to store carbon or create protected areas.
Yansa Group
Yansa offers responsible investment opportunities in community wind farm projects that provide long-term stability. By working with impact and institutional investors, overall financial costs are lowered and an appropriate risk-adjusted financial, social and environmental return is delivered.