Swift Foundation focuses support on people who protect the places they live, love and know. In this way, we prioritize grassroots funding to local place-based organizations and to Native led organizations directly, while also to allied organizations working on behalf of local communities. We’ve also made a strong commitment toward coherency within our endowment.
Food Solutions Webinar:
In the face of a crisis, a pandemic, one’s focus returns to the basics – food. Food is central to our relationship with the Earth and core to many of the strategies for territorial protection, Indigenous sovereignty and cultural renewal of our grantee partners.
This webinar series is part of our foundation’s response to this crisis moment where we are seeing everything our partners have been fighting for highlighted – both the wrongs as well as the solutions.
Introduction: Sonja Swift
Global Perspective: Anuradha Mital, Oakland Institute
Local/Regional Perspective (SEA): Nori Ignacio, SEARICE (Philippines)
Local/Regional Perspective (SADC): Andrew Mushita, CTDT (Zimbabwe)
Local/Regional Perspective (Latin America): Alejandro Argumedo, Swift Foundation
Local/Regional Perspective (NA): Marissa Nuvayestewa, Colorado Plateau Foundation
Facilitated Q&A
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